Gordon County School District Route lookup .

Street address
e.g.: 100 Main Street, Calhoun or 1st Street & Main Street, Calhoun

Please use the following abbreviations below to determine what routes are appropriate for your child.
GC - Gordon Central/Ashworth
SON - Sonoraville High/Middle
SWN - Swain
BLW - Belwood
FMN - Fairmount
RB - Red Bud
TOL - Tolbert
EX>ST - Exceptional Students

A.M. Routes- K-12 Students are all picked up on the morning bus route
P.M. Routes- K-5 Students are taken home on the afternoon bus route
M/H Transfer- 6-12 Students are taken home on the afternoon bus route

Example Bus Routes
SON/23-1/M/H - This student would ride the Sonoraville High/Middle bus number 23-1 on the afternoon middle/high school route.
RB/24-1/PM - This student would ride the Red Bud bus number 24-1 on the afternoon elementary route.

This site is presently under construction. If you have problems finding the correct bus please call (706) 629-1804 or e-mail Geary Cooper at glcooper@gcbe.org and someone will be glad to assist you.